M A S J I D A L - F A T H

Islamic Education Centre

June 16, 2024
Fajr Iqamah

3:15 am

15:00 Minutes
Prayer Begins Iqamah
Fajr2:49 am 3:15 am
Sunrise4:40 am
Zuhr1:06 pm 1:30 pm
Asr6:39 pm 7:15 pm
Maghrib9:23 pm 9:28 pm
Isha10:43 pm 11:00 pm

Mosque Salah cultivates communal worship, strengthens unity, and deepens spiritual connection with Allah, fostering a supportive Muslim community.

The mosque serves as a hub for collective prayers, nurturing spiritual growth and providing a dedicated space for community engagement.

Congregational prayers in the mosque promote solidarity among Muslims, reinforcing a shared sense of purpose and fostering a strong community bond.

Regular mosque attendance for Salah fosters a profound spiritual connection with Allah, providing a focused environment for personal and communal spiritual development.

Engaging in mosque prayers not only strengthens social bonds but also builds a supportive community, encouraging positive values and shared responsibilities.

About the Mosque

Hifzul Quran & Islamic Education Centre and Masjid Al-Fath

Established in 1984, Hifzul Qur’an & Islamic Education Centre and Masjid Al-Fath has been serving the local community ever since. Our regular activities include weekly jummah prayers and Islamic lectures (Waaz Mahfil). Student classes include Hifdh and tajweed classes, Arabic and Bengali classes, Islamic history, Fiqh & Adaab. We also hold Taraweeh and Eid prayers for brothers and sisters during the year.

The centre has a rich history of hosting distinguished guests such as Sheikh Salah Al-Budair (Imam of the Prophet’s masjid), Late Moulana Delwar Hossain Syedi, Sheikh Shohaib Hasan (Sharia’ah Council) and many more. We also serve the needs of the Muslim community by connecting a bridge with our local leaders such as the Mayor of Tower Hamlets and councillors.

Timeline of Major Events
– 1984 – Hifzul Qur’an is established. Purchase of Cable Street site
– 1990s – Visit by Moulana Delwar Hossein Syedi
– 2000 – Purchase of Dagenham site
– 2006 – Purchase of Burdett Rd site
– 2009 – Planning permission for official building
– 2014 – Visit by Sheikh Budair (Imam of Medina masjid)
– 2017 – Masjid Al-Fath is established

Get Success...

Hasten to prayer, Hasten to success

Success in the world
Succees in hereafter
Working Process

The 5 Pillars of Islam


Shahada is Islam's core creed, affirming one God and Muhammad (PBUH) as His messenger.


Islamic ritual prayer performed five times daily, expressing devotion and submission.


Islamic fasting during Ramadan, fostering self-discipline, empathy, and spiritual growth.


Islamic obligation to give alms, supporting the less fortunate and community welfare.


Islam's sacred pilgrimage to Mecca, a mandatory act fostering spiritual unity and devotion.

let's change life...

Read & Learn Quran
Change Your Life

Let’s read Quran every day for change life….

Find Our Mosque

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